Director’s Message

Director’s Message

Charles Darwin quoted, “It is not the strongest species that survives, but the most responsive and the fittest to the environment” With a strong belief in this statement The South Public School aim to raise highly responsive and fittest students. To successfully achieve this the TSpians given by a ‘Panchamrut’ of खाना, खेलना, सोना, पढ़ना, and गाना. Here खाना talks abut following healthy eating habits and खेलना focuses on inculcating physical activity in their life. सोना talks above adequate rest and सोना involves the habit of reading in one’s daily routine along with academics. It needs to be mentioned that गाना over here talks about cultivation of any kind of hobby.

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I am of a strong opinion that if this panchamrut is given and inculcated during early childhood it will go a long way to develop responsible and successful citizens for our society. In this era where education is becoming a business, The South Public School does not want to be a part of the rat race. We at TSPS envision value based developed society through our students. TSPS has created an aptly effective environment to work in the directions. From Infrasture to Human resource there is no compromise with the quality since it is only a perfect blend of two which can create an environment conducive for healthy student development. We also believe in “learning by doing” pedagogy and hence. These are well equipped labs for science, computers as well as languages. A well equipped library, music room encourage students to explore the world of books & music. The play ground is designed with a proper cricket net & basket ball net. The uniqueness of the school is its ‘Math Garden’ as TSPS is the only school in Nagpur to have a garden designed specially to study maths practically in connection with nature. Students regular visit the maths garden. The students at TSPS are nurtured adequacy to grow and compete on a global platform.

At the point it is imperative to state that TSPS has evolved up to its bloom and since the beginning it has been scaling a good sigmoid graph.

We strongly believe that such growth of great height would not have been possible without united efforts of parents & teachers. The model below  displays how the growth of students to the pinnacle is supported by a strong foundation of parents & teachers. A lot has been achieved. But excellence being a constant process we plan to soar higher & higher in a limitless sky.