
Parents must give a minimum of one month earlier notice for withdrawal of their ward from the school.

The school may withdraw any student for any of the following reasons :

  • In case the student is found suffering from any communicable disease or any serious disease which requires close medical monitoring (example epilepsy) & serious mental or behavioural disorder.
  • Serious disciplinary problem, irregular attendance ,habitual idleness, habitual neglect , disobedience & disrespect to the members of the staff and peer, despite of regular counselling and warning for improvement.
  • For being absent continuously for 30 days without intimation.
  • For failing 2yrs in succession, in same class
  • Failure to pay the school fee for 3 months and clear the school dues despite of frequent reminders.
  • Not withstanding anything in this prospectus the Director/ Principal of the school may, at his/her absolute discretion, require any parent at anytime to take his / her ward out of the school.
  • The decision of the Director of the school shall be final in respect of withdrawals.
  • SLC will not be issued until all the dues are cleared.